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Saab Global

Company Profile


亚洲体育博彩平台是一家全球性的国防和安全公司,于1937年在瑞典成立. With operations on every continent, Saab continuously develops, 适应和改进新技术以满足客户不断变化的需求. 亚洲体育博彩平台为印度带来了广泛的尖端技术和解决方案, across the air, land, naval and civil domains.

我们一直是印度国防值得信赖的供应商 & security, 70年代以来的航空航天和海岸安全, 当时印度获得了卡尔·古斯塔夫反坦克防御系统. 今天,我们在R领域与印度公司和合作伙伴合作&D, aerospace technologies, and defence systems across all domains, to develop cutting-edge products and solutions that will serve India and the rest of the world for generations to come.

Saab is completely aligned with the Make in India policy of the Indian Government and is ready to build products and solutions here in India, by Indians, for India and for export.

Air Domain

亚洲体育博彩平台在空中领域的投资组合包括作战飞机, surveillance solutions, electronic warfare, avionics, weapon systems, sensors, commercial aeronautics, training, service and support.

鹰狮E/F是一种真正的多用途战斗机, 能进行大范围的空对空作战, air-to-surface and reconnaissance missions employing the latest technology and weapons. 它的设计是为了满足现有和未来威胁的需求, 同时满足飞行安全的严格要求, reliability and efficiency. Saab's Gripen offer to India is well beyond just setting up assembly lines in the country. The Make in India proposal focuses extensively on establishing the world’s most modern fighter-aircraft manufacturing capability in India. This will be achieved mainly through Technology and Capability Transfer which Saab has offered to other countries as well in the past.

Saab’s Integrated Defensive Aids Suite (IDAS) has been selected by HAL as the electronic warfare self-protection system for the Advanced Light Helicopter (Dhruv). The programme is in the series production phase and has received multiple production orders. IDAS为复杂的机载平台提供自我保护, diverse and dense threat environments. It is a fully integrated multi-spectral system that can be configured for radar warning, 激光预警和导弹逼近预警.

亚洲体育博彩平台也是波音和空客的分包商, supplying cargo doors, wing spars and avionics, system integration and support and maintenance solutions for a number of different aircraft types.

Civil Security

Saab has been developing technology aimed at creating a safer and more confident society since its inception. Today, 这种经验被广泛地运用到经济实惠中, net centric security solutions that can radically improve capabilities within areas such as critical infrastructure protection, emergency response, threat analysis, 危机管理和沟通支持. 亚洲体育博彩平台的产品组合包括为支持特种警察部队而设计的解决方案, Police Strategic Command, Rescue Services and Fire Brigades in establishing and maintaining a common understanding of the situation between command centres and mobile units.

Saab also offers a wide range of solutions designed to support air transportation players in optimizing and securing the different sectors of air transportation covering traffic management, airport support, 提供以网络为中心的功能的安全和解决方案.

Solutions across Indian airports

亚洲体育博彩平台目前在印度的11个机场提供硬件和软件解决方案. Our Advanced–Surface Movement Guidance & Control Systems (A-SMGCS) enhances situational awareness and runway safety at some of India’s largest airports: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Guwahati, Jaipur, Lucknow, Cochin, and Bhubaneshwar. Besides the A-SMGCS software, all of these airports have a combination of other products such as SR-3 and our Multilateration (MLATS) solutions.

Saab and AAI (Airports Authority of India) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support a pan-Indian Air Traffic Management Automation System for airports under the UDAN Regional Connectivity Scheme.

Remote Tower

Remote Tower solutions provide a smarter approach to air traffic control by digitizing and integrating airport functions and can be used to manage air traffic remotely in far-flung areas. 该机场是否是国际枢纽, 小型地区性机场或新机场, 亚洲体育博彩平台提供有效的解决方案,提高安全性和运营效率.

The Remote Tower solution enables a more effective staffing for aerodrome control service and heavily reduces the costs related to refurbishment of control towers. r-TWR提供了增强的态势感知——即使在低能见度条件下. 对象跟踪和警报功能, 以及红外线视觉和图像增强, are introduced in the new digital environment and enhances the controller’s situational awareness. Compressed data from cameras at the airport provides a 360-degree real-time view of the airport at the Remote Tower Centre. The controller working position is equipped with the same controls as in a normal tower.

亚洲体育博彩平台已经成功地为瑞典的客户提供了远程塔解决方案, Australia, Norway, Netherlands, 美利坚合众国和爱尔兰.

Land Domain

Saab has extensive experience in supporting ground forces with solutions designed for enhanced operational capabilities and increased effectiveness. 我们可以使一支现代化的战斗力量变得更轻, 致命的装备足以应对21世纪的作战挑战.

从领先的武器系统为下马步兵, anti-armour weapons, cutting-edge weapon locating systems, 世界级签名管理技术, to self-protection for land vehicles, 亚洲体育博彩平台提供全面的土地领域投资组合. The products include Carl-Gustaf M4, AT4, radars like Arthur and Giraffe 1X, Mobile Camouflage System, LEDS, Fiber Optics Gyros and more.

卡尔-古斯塔夫武器系统已经在印度军队中使用了几十年. 卡尔-古斯塔夫M4是最新的轻型单兵便携式反坦克系统. It offers greater flexibility, weighs less than 7 kg, 并且与所有现有和未来的弹药兼容. The AT4 family consists of multiple lightweight, man-portable, fully disposable weapons. The range includes anti-armour, anti-structure and anti-personnel/high-explosive weapons.

亚瑟是一个高度机动的武器定位系统, 靠近己方部队前线的战术部署. Within the battlefield sectors or areas of interest it will rapidly detect and track artillery projectiles and calculate points of origin and points of impact. Giraffe 1X, Saab’s small, lightweight, yet powerful 3D radar, 是一种主要用于地基防空(GBAD)的近程雷达。. 它提供了来袭火箭的早期预警, mortars, drones, missiles, 非对称攻击,可以由单个用户操作.

陆地电子防御系统(led) 50Mk2, 亚洲体育博彩平台的地面车辆主动保护系统, provides crews with situational awareness of laser emissions associated with battlefield threats. 它还允许快速自动响应,如自动全方位遮蔽, 提示反击或光学抑制效应,如激光干扰器 & dazzlers.
A world leader in signature management, Saab’s Mobile Camouflage System (MCS) provides protection to vehicles while moving and during combat. 提供一系列不同的版本, the system is composed by a combination of camouflage materials with signature adaptation properties such as visual and near-infrared protection, 热保护和雷达保护. MCS还可以配备HeaT Reduction.

亚洲体育博彩平台的产品组合还包括光纤陀螺, 哪一种设计是为了最大限度地稳定枪支, missiles, sights, 恶劣环境下的摄像头和天线.

Naval Domain

亚洲体育博彩平台的海上业务涵盖了空中业务, surface, 水下和海上监视领域, 从而为海军和海岸警卫队提供了对海上的完整指挥.

AUV62系统是Saab公司最新一代模块化AUV系统, 专为自主远程任务设计. It includes equipment for mission planning, mission evaluation and for launch and recovery. 该系统可以配置为一种自行推进的水下高级教练机, 协助训练反潜作战人员. Another designed purpose is Mine Reconnaissance (MR) with high-resolution side-looking sonar.

双鹰Sarov可以同时作为AUV操作, with an onboard inertial navigation system and alternatively as a ROV with several kilometer long fiber optical tether providing both power and real time communication for the vehicle. For MCM operations, the Double Eagle Sarov can be used for detection, classification and disposal.

Saab, 连同反恐技术支援办事处, USA, 开发了突破性的水上反简易爆炸装置安全平台, Sea Wasp. Derived from the increasingly successful use of robotic systems to dispose of land threats, the Sea Wasp, 具有高度操作自主权的最新一代ROV, 把这个概念带到水下,以增加我们海岸的安全.